Tuesday, June 12, 2012

MADONNA:MDNA Tour 2012-13

I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with Awesome Costume Designer Arianne Phillips for the MDNA World Tour starring none other than the iconic Madonna.  Such an honor.  The family and I stayed in NYC for a little over 2 months.  I have included my sketches of Arianne's designs as well as how the costumes actually turned out.  Much love to Laura Morgan, Terry Anderson, Molly Rebuschatis, Natasha Paczowski, Linda Matthews, and the rest of the Costume team.


Florin Negrut said...


This is how I found out about you.
I love your work. Keep it up.
Greetings from Romania.

Unknown said...

You are perfect designer. Quality of your works... just awsome.

Phillip Boutte Jr. said...

Thanks so much to both of you! I really appreciate it. Nice to meet you.
